
How to thank your boss (without looking like a suck up)

image of six individuals of different ethnicities sitting at a large table covered with work-related items like notepads and laptops. Text reads "how to thank your boss without looking like a suck up"

Expressing gratitude at work, especially to coworkers and employees, is always a good idea. A simple “I admire your work ethic” can go a long way. But what if you respect your boss, and you want to let them know without it coming across like you are only being complimentary for your own benefit?

How do you demonstrate gratitude at work toward your boss without looking like a suck up or making your coworkers roll their eyes? Here are some ways to show gratitude at work that will make your boss feel recognized and appreciated:

Be Specific

Write an email or card that details what you are thankful for. Start out with “I admire your work” or “I feel grateful to work with you” and add details about instances when you felt supported. Maybe your boss is an expert at dealing with difficult coworkers or they coordinate going away gifts for coworkers–whatever it is you admire or appreciate at your boss, let them know it! The more specific the better!

Don’t go overboard

If you are giving your boss or manager a gift, make sure it’s not too extravagant, or you might run the risk of making them uncomfortable with how much you spent. Chances are that they know how much money you make and giving them an expensive gift might send the wrong message. A gift card to their favorite local coffee shop or a small plant for their desk is an appropriately sized gift for a boss.

a small pepperomia plant in a wicker basket sits on a desk
Make it personal

If you have seen signs your coworkers are intimidated by you, you might not want to make it worse by showering your boss with praise in front of them. There are many types of coworkers, and if you have jealous or bossy coworkers, it might be best to thank your boss privately.

If you are wondering if you should acknowledge your boss and the help and support they offer you, we say go for it!

By following these tips, your boss will feel appreciated without you looking like you’re gunning for a raise or a promotion. After all, everyone appreciates a Thank You!

P.S. You Got this!

At PS Post, sending Thank You notes is one of our favorite ways to express gratitude. We make sending a thank you card easy, plus you can add a thank you gift card without having to make a separate errand. Check out some of our favorite thank you cards below: